Your time is a very valuable asset and better spent not having to worry about lawn care or yard clean up. Our Lawn Care professionals will teach you about maintaining a healthy lawn. From mowing and trimming to debris clean up will ensure your soil has been optimized for full potential growth. Sun City Lawn Care is constantly up to speed on the newest of lawn care technology and advances in lawn care equipment. Our FREE lawn care analysis will give our team and yourself a great idea of whats to come to keep your lawn the greenest on the block year after year.
Are you tired of having a dry, stressed lawn or continuously having creepy crawlers eat away at your root system? Our Lawn Care professionals are prepared to optimize your soil with liquid and granular fertilization that will ensure your PH levels, Micro and Macro nutrients are sufficient for maximum growth. Sun City Lawn Care also is beyond educated in chemical weed control. With proper application of pre and post emergents throughout your lawn, garden, rock beds, driveways and more, weeds can be put to a stop. This will include the eradication of undesirable grass types growing in your Southern or Northern Lawn Care program.
Mechanical Aeration/Liquid Aeration
Mechanical De-thatching/ Liquid De-Thatching
Soil Optimization
Debris Waste Removal
Flower Bed/ Rock Clean Up
Liquid Fertilization
Humic Acid
Liquid Root Growth Stimulate
Micro Nutrient Additives
Grub/Sod/Army Worm Granular
Fungicide Control
Spot Treatment for Winter and Summer Annuals